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Spirit and Matter April 19, 2008

Filed under: Full Moon — wisestars @ 11:23 pm
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Full moon in Scorpio/April 20, 2008 at 3:25 am pdt

Spirit versus Matter. Are they compatible or conflictual, or perhaps a bit of both? The full moon tomorrow morning highlights our awareness of the differences between these two modes of being.
This lunation is the first of two full moons this month, both in Scorpio. With the sun newly in Taurus, the earth sign ruling sensuality, finances and accumulation of resources, our attention is focused on those areas of life that are right in front of us. Anything that can be touched, smelled, tasted, heard or seen is important now.

Scorpio, which rules the unseen, and energetic patterns rather than physical ones, calls our attention also, particularly in the emotional and spirit. We may feel torn between what we think is real, and what we feel or intuit as real.

Perhaps you have had a strong feeling lately that a particular relationship, job or project would turn out a certain way, and yet you see no signs of your inner knowing manifesting in the outer world. Feelings of self-doubt and confusion are a natural outcome of this process, and to be expected given the current planetary weather.

With Saturn, the planet of physical manifestation, retrograde since earlier this year, many of our outer plans may seem on hold. Saturn retrograde is a time to do the work that our spirit demands, even if we are not reaping the external rewards. When Saturn goes direct the first week of May, we may see more of the results of the spiritual work we have been doing made manifest in the outer world.

Until then it is important to continue finding the balance between what can be seen, and what can be felt, and trusting in the truth of both these ways of being.


4 Responses to “Spirit and Matter”

  1. Jeremy Says:

    How remarkable.
    Sunday morning here in England, I had a late night so I woke up at 10.30 (exactly 10 mins post-full) having had an incredibly vivid dream about catching spiders and miniature Scorpions under a glass. They were incredibly vivid and real, the way the light reflected off their tough, little legs was awesome, what’s that stuff called? Chitin? Wow, I had no idea it was a full moon today (bad astrologer that I am!)
    Anyhow, I have Moon in Scorpio but it’s virtually unaspected, just an 8 deg. conjunct to Neptune and that’s it if you don’t count esoteric aspects like Quintiles.
    So it’s a placement that really doesn’t impinge upon my consciousness except for those couple of days in a month where the Moon tweaks it, I have to watch my manner on those two days pretty close as well, because I find myself saying exactly what I feel and upsetting people…

    As for the non-materialism of Scorpio, I get that big time; and I could write an essay on it in your comments (but I won’t); suffice to say that I have to resist the urge to be possessionless quite actively; my family frequently roll their eyes when I announce that we should throw everything out because it just gets in the way! I could live in a monastery no problem. I think it’s my Neptune that does that by the way, also I have Mercury in Scorpio, all in the second house ruled by Pluto rising, so I’m characteristically intense about it. So this post really speaks to me, with Scorpio in Taurus’ house.

    I shall be paying attention for the rest of today. And you say there’s another full moon in Scorpio this month? *sob*


  2. wisestars Says:

    Hi Jeremy,
    Thanks for sharing about your Moon in Scorpio dream!

    Yes, it will be interesting to see how the second moon this month translates.


  3. Aurora Says:


    This is just amazing, to read what I’ve been living and to have it be so beautifully explained. Thank you so much! I can continue to focus on working my spirit without feelings of guilt or frustration.


  4. wisestars Says:

    Thanks Aurora,
    So glad to hear that this resonated for you. I hope you are well and wish you luck with your spirit work:)


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